i have think quite long before i decide to make tis special gift for her.....
so wat i make????
dada ..... i crochet a couple in wedding attire for them.....
but at least i finish it on time.... hope they like it....hehe....
back to the wedding day.....i did not capture much photo as york mei brother have DSLR camera to help her capture so i just keep mine since my camera is those cheap cheap compact camera..... so have to wait for her to upload the pic then.....
but i also got take a few pictures, so here is it some picture on the morning session:-
us with york mei on morning session....doesn't she look gorgeous
come to Dinner time....sorry york mei as we late for the dinner.....
dinner start at 7pm but we arrive on 7.40pm.....so paiseh....
so mei have the dinner at Flemington Hotel.....
very nice decorated and nice band too.... love the theme where both of them walking in on the opening of the ceremony while there is a violinist playing the violin.....so nice.....
so overall the food is satisfy except for the baby pig...is just too much fat....i guess the pig didn't do exercise at all...wakaka.....just joking....
so tat's all for now....
oh ya....one more thing i forget to mention is....her husband house is so big with air-cond...i can't even find the fan in the house.....somemore have u all see 7 diff car with the same plate number ???? i do....saw at her husband house....all the 7 car with the same plate number.....
thought to buy 4D tat day....call my mom ask help to buy....tis is wat my mom told me 'The number ady open yesterday(mean Sat), 3 number in 1st prize.'
oh my god.....if i knew early then i can win....aiya miss it.....wuwuwu~~~~
back home my mom say aiya y no call on Sat to buy....then i say Sun only i know the plate number arr..........
nvm since ady past....me no luck....haha.....
dunno her husband side got win or not ler.....hehe....
anywhere tat's all for York Mei Wedding Celebration.....
lastly Congratulation York Mei and her Husband(EK) ......
Thanks meow for attending!
ya, i love the craft u made! very cute and nice.. i put them on my table next to my bed.. hehe.
as for the number, my fren got kena, '579'. hehe. i was too busy until i dint think of buying it.. too bad..
i'm happy u like the craft...but now a lot of fren request it....
aiya no luck tim....tak kena...haha.....
ur fren got luck oo.....
ur father in law didn't kena meh???
tat day walk walk at taiping only i realize taiping develop quite fast too....the plaza can challenge ipoh jusco n perade ady....except not much branded shop lar...
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