Friday, October 16, 2009

Jusco Sushi King

Yesterday i go Jusco Sushi King to have sushi.We arrive at Jusco on 7.20pm and there are long queue in front of the Sushi King. We go walk walk 1st and only started to have our dinner at around 8.30pm. Happily we start to grab our favourite sushi and eat.
While we just half way eating and still in the mood of grabbing the sushi but out of sudden no power in the whole Jusco. Can u believe to c???

then ppl start taking the phone out and the phone become the touch light.....

ignore of the electricity power off...ppl continue eating the sushi... but at least i get to eat my favourite Tempura Sushi and Unagi..... We finish up the sushi and paid the bill....
this is the time where Calculator is being make use of....the Staff have to manually calculate our bill....

We left the Jusco around 10pm and is jam in the way out to the main road...
one more thing to consider...if no electricity how is the pay station work???no need paid the parking ticket?? parking for all....should i consider lucky or not?

but half way out to the main road...the electricity is back.....then how is the parking fees??? still have to need to free.....Jusco so generous free for us....haha......
What a day i have.....interesting....and memorable....


Hayley said...

haha.. so ngam one? no electricity..hehe.
i also went sushi king yesterday night. slurppp..

Vinnie said...

ya so frem fren somemore go there watch movie as u know wed sure full of ppl... watch not until half way no electricity....haha.... so at last refund.....worst than our case....haha.....