Tuesday, December 29, 2009


wat new tis time....*da dang*
cat..... meow~~~~
tis meow is so tiny can be use as keychain....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Craft~~~

Since Christmas is coming so make a few craft for this coming festival......
Below is the thing i make.....
Christmas Sock
Mouse on Christmas
Shell Snowflake
Star Snowflake
Picot Snowflake

Monday, December 7, 2009

* Cute Tiny Little Gloves *

My cute little gloves~~~
it is so cute n tiny too.....

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Sea Shell in the sea~~~~
cute little shells~~~~~

Friday, November 20, 2009

Something for my office table~

i make tis to put on my office table...quite nice environment putting there.....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Item!!

My new crochet collection.....is.....Mushroom~~~~
does the mushroom look like the mario games mushroom....
wakaka....is so cute and i love it so much......
hope u all love it too...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Cute Little Bag~~~

Da Da...... so this is my lastest crochet item..... my cute little bag......
is a purple color bag....and i have add in a pink crochet flower as the decoration for the bag....
how it look? nice? cute?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bus Crash Traffic Light

Early morning on Monday(8am something) a bus have crash on a traffic light in Kampung Simee.
can't believe the traffic light is so obvious but the bus driver still can crash on it... the driver must have fall asleep early in the morning.....

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Japanese Cotton CheeseCake

Cake Time~~~
on Deepavali i have make a cheese cake for my frens birthday and also for my Indian Fren.....
so here the recipe...
1st prepare the ingredients:-
(A) 160g Cream Cheese
25g Butter
120g Milk

(B) 40g Flour
30g Cornflour

(C) 4 Egg Yolks

(D) 4 Egg Whites
1/8tsp Cream of Tartar
100g Sugar
pinch of Salt
1. Grease and lined the bottom of two-20cm oval pans. Wrap outside of the pans in foil.
2. Place (A) in mixing bowl and stir over double-boiler until thick. Remove it from double-boiler.

3. Add(B) and mix until well combined. Add (C) and mix until well blended.

4. Whip the egg whites in (D) until foamy.
Then add the remaining (D) ingredients. Continue whipping until soft peaks.
Add it into the cheese mixture from step (3). Mix until well incorporated.
5. Pour the cheese filling into the prepared oval pans. Bake in water bath at 160C for 40-45 minutes or until firm and golden brown.

6. Remove cake from the oven. Remove the cake from the mould immediately. Set aside to cool.

so this the result i get......
not bad ler...... this is the Japanese Cotton CheeseCake~~~~
i not tat hard... u all can try it out.....
hope u all like it......

3 Way Steamboat~

Last Friday, i when to try the 3 way steamboat buffet at Persiaran Greenhill.
what it mean by 3 way steamboat? actually is the combination of normal steamboat + grill and lastly plus BBQ..... funny rite?
is quite interesting too..... and the best thing it it serve oyster too.....and fillet and salmon fish.....also have baby octopus.... can't believe it.... and the best part is all this only cost RM19.90, not tax and service charge too~~~~
lol......i wonder how the shop can untung???

then lastly is dessert time~~~ there have cheese cake.........agar-agar.....and my favorite ice-cream......................yummy yummy......
for the ipoh ppl, if next time u all want to have unlimited eat steamboat(Buffet Steamboat), i recommend u all go this shop....
if wan go now cause i guess after the shop popular the price will up......haha.......
the shop located opposite Deli Garden and Gold Vision at Persiaran GreenHill(Hor Lok Restaurant). the road at Crazy Ice-Cream and RHB bank in the Ipoh Town.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Jusco Sushi King

Yesterday i go Jusco Sushi King to have sushi.We arrive at Jusco on 7.20pm and there are long queue in front of the Sushi King. We go walk walk 1st and only started to have our dinner at around 8.30pm. Happily we start to grab our favourite sushi and eat.
While we just half way eating and still in the mood of grabbing the sushi but out of sudden no power in the whole Jusco. Can u believe it....no electricity....how to c???

then ppl start taking the phone out and the phone become the touch light.....

ignore of the electricity power off...ppl continue eating the sushi... but at least i get to eat my favourite Tempura Sushi and Unagi..... We finish up the sushi and paid the bill....
this is the time where Calculator is being make use of....the Staff have to manually calculate our bill....

We left the Jusco around 10pm and is jam in the way out to the main road...
one more thing to consider...if no electricity how is the pay station work???no need paid the parking ticket?? YES....free parking for all....should i consider lucky or not?

but half way out to the main road...the electricity is back.....then how is the parking fees??? still have to paid...nai.....no need to paid....is free.....Jusco so generous free for us....haha......
What a day i have.....interesting....and memorable....